
NASA plans to scrape a Mars rock before its next drilling attempt

NASA has updated the Rock Dispute Sampling Plan, revealing the process will begin in the coming days because it determines where it must be the next drill for the core sample. This news only came a few weeks after the first exercise sampling effort failed, a problem believed was caused by a composition of rocks that were different from expected by experts.

The first attempt to drill the core sample of stone on Mars failed because, the space agent recently explained, the stones are likely to turn into powder or sand when drilled. That is why the NASA perseverance team plans to first withdrush the rock to find out if it can handle the drill rover before really drilling.

Assuming the selected target is able to withstand the drilling process, perseverance will use the robot arm to take the core of the surface of Mars. The drilled core sample will be packaged in titanium tubes and stored on Mars for future mission to be taken.

The main goal is to launch a mission that will arrive at Mars, take the titanium tube full of drill samples, and then send it to the earth to learn. This will mark a large milestone in the red planetary humanitarian exploration.

Rover was sent with a few dozen titanium tubes for this drill sample. With the first tube empty, there are 42 tubes left – all of which will be expected to be home to a thin pencil-sized stone sample. Assuming the new target is chosen for drilling, the process will occur next week.

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