
Tamra Barney Net Worth 2021

Tamra Barney 53 years old is the staple on a real housewife who runs long. The series in the 8th season collected nearly 2 million viewers per episode. Tamra has been with the show since season 3 and her salary is $ 100,000 per season. He is a real estate agent in Coto de Caza and is quite successful to get $ 1 million in the commission selling millions of dollars for entrepreneurs and celebrities. The net wealth today is $ 5 million.

Tamra married Simon Robert Barney when he joined the players but the couple filed for divorce in 2010. The couple had three shared children. He was already married before for Darren Veth which he had the oldest son of 27 years old Ryan by. In 2013 Ryan issued a command stop and stopped fighting a star housewife threatening legal action if the reality star did not stop talking about it. Darren’s legal counsel claimed that he made several statements of slandering him while appearing on the show.

He continued his real estate business after his divorce from Simon and invested more than 40rb in the wine business named Wine through his wife with Co-Star Vicki Gunvalson. He also opened the gym named C.U.T Fitness at Rancho Santo Margarita California. He opened it with Eddie Judge Tunas who now he married in June 2013. The weight of his wedding ring is more than 5 carrots worth $ 35,000. The judge promised to always love and support Barney and four children, Ryan, Sidney, 14, Spencer, 13, and Sophia, 7. He wore a $ 8,900 couture dress by Mark Zunino while his 27-year-old son walked in the halls.

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