
Watch Forza Horizon 5’s spectacular opening right here, right now

Forza Fans, start your machine – as expected, Forza Horizon 5 forms a large part of the Xbox flow in GamesCom 2021, where the car games and the opening moment are revealed.

Both Mercedes-AMG One and 2021 Ford Bronco Badlands will decorate the cover of Forza Horizon 5, survive with the supercar-plus-SUV theme of franchises (its predecessor sees McLaren Senna joining Defender Land Rover).

Footage of the two cars in the action is displayed, too, and while we already have an idea of ​​how the game will see the Xbox Series X thanks to the initial announcement trailer, the most vibrant Mexican play game settings, detailed and expansive environment.

In showcase, Mike Brown, the creative director for Forza Horizon 5, a joint recording of the initial drive of the game, which the developer said “set the stage for all who will come.”

And boys, whether that stage looks fun. This game will display several different types of environment, giving players the opportunity to burn rubber around the cargo plane, active volcano, music festival and even heavy forest canopies.

We also see the weather dynamic game, including dust storms and how different the season will change the world around you. For example, in winter, hopes to find snow when driving around Gran Caldera Volcano.

Forza Horizon 5 will be released on November 9, 2021 on the Xbox One, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S and PC. This will be available on the Xbox Game Pass on the first day.

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